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When You Walk Along the Road

“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
Deuteronomy 6:6-7

It has been nearly a week since I posted last, but I haven’t been skipping my workouts. In fact, I walked more this last weekend than I have in a long time! Last Thursday, I met up with a friend for an early 30 minute maintenance run. We met around 5:45 a.m. but it was already in the 80's and extremely humid! I can’t help it though. It’s too beautiful here to workout inside!

On Friday, my parents arrived for Charlotte’s birthday party. I had previously asked my dad if he wanted to run a 5k with me on Saturday morning, but we decided against it because Charlotte’s party was also in the morning. Instead, we decided to jog my usual path together. We made a trip to the local running store on Friday afternoon and my dad got himself some good running shoes. I also came out with a Garmin Forerunner 10, which I’m so excited about. I almost want to go run every single day, just so I can use it!

When we got up at 5:15 Saturday morning, we were sad to see it raining and lightning outside! But, Florida storms don’t usually last long, so we were able to head outside around 7! We did a 5 minute warm-up walk and then we started our interval running. Can I say again how much I love my Forerunner 10? I’ve spent the last two weeks counting 30 second intervals of running and walking, but now my watch just beeps when it’s time to switch! We ran/walked until we were about half a mile from the house and then we started our cool down. By the time we got back, Dad had finished his first 5k distance!

Over the weekend, Dad and I got up at 5:30 every morning to go walking together. On Sunday night, we even walked with Mom and Jack! Overall, we traveled 11.3 miles while he was here visiting. It was such a blessing to get up and spend quality time with my dad. He is incredibly wise and it is so obvious, now more than ever, that he puts God first in his life. When he says he’s praying for us, he really means it, and when I ask advice on situations in my life, he gives me biblical counsel.

When thinking back over the last weekend, Deuteronomy 6:6-7 came to mind. My dad impresses the commandments of the Lord on me, his child. You can tell that they are in his heart. I especially liked the part about “talking about them while you walk along the road.” My dad and I shared something very special this weekend. If God hadn’t convicted me to start exercising a few months ago, I would have missed the huge blessing of getting up and walking with my dad. The time we shared this weekend is something I wouldn’t trade for the world.

So again, I’m thankful for God’s conviction. The more I see God working through this specific aspect of my obedience, the more I desire to trust Him with other areas of my life. 


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