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It's something that everyone desires to have, and that most people already believe they have. But unfortunately, we the people often choose to say and do many unwise things.

I find myself needing wisdom often, but not asking for it nearly enough. Before I speak, before I post, before I act ... did I prayerfully consider why I'm saying, posting, or doing these things? Not usually. I tend to base those decisions on how I feel in the moment ... or how I want the response to make me feel. Sometimes it ends up okay. But other times, it doesn't.

 I struggle most in this area when it comes to how I speak. It's not so much that terrible words cross my lips, but more often the wrong attitude. Am I quick to complain or vent my frustrations? Am I uplifting to those around me or do I just fuel the flames of discontent? I typically find that my feelings are fleeting and the words that I've spilled don't even truly reflect my thoughts. But I respond in the moment ... and people often see the part of me that reacts, instead of the person who wisely waits to open her mouth.

I want to be someone who uses their words to encourage, uplift, and defend. I want to speak life to my family, to my coworkers, and to my friends. I want my words to first ask about others instead of sharing about myself. But I know I'll never be able to succeed at this unless I first prayerfully ask for wisdom.

Wisdom to wait, to pause, to hold back. Wisdom to speak up, speak out, and defend. Wisdom to reach out, request, and respond. Wisdom to control not only my tongue, but my thoughts as well. 

So, I pray that God will change me. I pray that I will carefully listen to the tugging on my spirit when I know that I should be still and be silent. I pray that I will open my mouth with no hesitation when God calls me to say hard things that I should share. I pray that God gives me wise counsel no matter the situation, so that I can be used to speak life. 


It's given to us, and given generously.

We only need ask. 


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