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Casting My Cares

"Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall."
Psalm 55:22

My 100km challenge is going so well! So far, I've run at least 2 miles every single day of June, except the 6th. But I made up for it by running a 10k on Saturday morning. So far, I've finished 24 miles this month. Just 38 left to go!

This past weekend, I started to feel very overwhelmed. Sometimes I personally put way too much on my plate and when I feel like I can't get it all done, I break down a little. 

Okay, a lot.

My daughter's birthday party is coming up soon, my son started science camp this week, I'm teaching Zoo Zone for the month of June, we have family coming into town this week, and on top of all that, my husband is on swing shift!

On Saturday morning, 6.2 miles were EXACTLY what I needed to release some stress!

While talking to God, I realized that a lot of my stress really comes from me. 

No one is pressuring me to do a million things and do them perfectly. 

But when I don't succeed at things, or feel like I haven't done them well enough, I feel so defeated. 

Why do I feel this way?

Satan knows exactly how to burden me and I make it so easy for him! I put unrealistic expectations on myself. I don't even know why I do it!

After my run on Saturday morning, I felt much better.

But my run on Sunday morning was the icing on the cake. 

I came to realize that I needed to listen to 1 Peter 5:7 and give all of my worries to God. He really does care about me! He even cares about the little things!

In Matthew 11:28, Jesus says, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."

I shouldn't even have heavy burdens. Ever burden I currently have is a burden I've laid upon myself. But Jesus promises to take even THOSE burdens and give me rest. 

While listening to my iPod Sunday morning on my run, God had his hand on my playlist. Some people may think I'm crazy, but I know that God moves in every part of my life, and He knew that I was physically listening! I LOVE when God moves through the "little" things!

The first song that came on was called, "Cast My Cares" by Tim Timmons.

I will cast my cares on You the Almighty
I will cast my cares on You 'cause Your good
I will cast my cares on You 'cause You love me, You love me
Oh, oh because You love me

Next, "Revelation Song" by Kari Jobe.
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty
Who was and is and is to come
With all creation I sing
Praise to the King of Kings
You are my everything
And I will adore You

And then, "Lift Up the Light of Your Countenance" by Shane & Shane.

You are the Light of the world
Light up our darkness
When the night is upon us
You are the Light of the world
Nations will walk by the light 
Of the glory of a Holy God

And finally, "My Heart Cries Out" by Rush of Fools.

Flood my life
Fix my gaze
Fill my lungs
With Your grace
God, I need You
I need You

The Lord was showing me that I need to let go of all of my stress, turn my attention back to Him, and spend my time in worship, not worry. My prayer is that I can just let it go and give it all to Him!


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