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"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31

I feel like I've started my last several blogs with, "I know it's be awhile..." and it's true. When I got out of my regular running routine, I got out of my blogging routine. I've also found that I'm a lot more motivated when I'm self-motivated. When no one was reading this blog, I wrote a lot more often. 

After the Disney Princess Half, my running schedule was pretty much nonexistent. My husband was getting ready for a PT test and then went through five weeks of ALS, so it was really hard to find time to run. I have to give myself a little credit, though. I hate pushing the jogging stroller, but since that's the only way I've been able to go running lately, I've been doing it. Even though it's tough, my daughter loves going, so that in itself is worth it! She's become quite an avid bird watcher! :)

I've been thinking a lot lately about my purpose. When I started running a year ago, I had a reason. I wanted to use that time to grow closer to God. It worked! I spent a lot of time in prayer and those first several months were a season when I've been closer to God than I think I've ever been!

After I "confessed" to the world that I was now a "runner," it started getting tough to keep my original purpose in mind. Suddenly my running became about distance, times, and races. What happened to maturing my relationship, spending time with God, and focusing on the "big" race, life? I was running for the wrong reasons and it wasn't fulfilling. 

For the last several weeks, I've honestly yearned for that special time with God again. For the first time in months, I feel like I'm back in the place where running isn't for me, it's for God. My husband preached his first sermon this past Sunday and his key verse has been on my mind all week. "So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31) Why was I able to get up at 5:30 a.m. and run a year ago, but don't feel like I can do it now? Because a year ago, I wasn't getting up to run: I was getting up to spend time with God. The reason changes the results!

Lord, take everything I do, and remind me to do it for You!



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