Wisdom. It's something that everyone desires to have, and that most people already believe they have. But unfortunately, we the people often choose to say and do many unwise things. I find myself needing wisdom often, but not asking for it nearly enough. Before I speak, before I post, before I act ... did I prayerfully consider why I'm saying, posting, or doing these things? Not usually. I tend to base those decisions on how I feel in the moment ... or how I want the response to make me feel. Sometimes it ends up okay. But other times, it doesn't. I struggle most in this area when it comes to how I speak. It's not so much that terrible words cross my lips, but more often the wrong attitude. Am I quick to complain or vent my frustrations? Am I uplifting to those around me or do I just fuel the flames of discontent? I typically find that my feelings are fleeting and the words that I've spilled don't even truly reflect my thoughts. But I respond i...
Strengthening My Relationship With Christ Through Jogging